"The Negev Bedouins have the potential to become a major socioeconomic growth engine for the entire Negev region"
Dr. Muhammad Al-Nabari

About Us

Our Goal
Yanabia was established with a clear vision: to help the Negev Bedouins become the growth engine of the Negev and to take their rightful place in Israeli society.
When Dr. Muhammad Al-Nabari was about to end his service as mayor of Hura (a Bedouin village in the south of Israel) after three terms filled with significant achievements, he realized that the change in his home village was too localized. He needed to take action to broaden the sphere of influence and generate change in the wider Negev Bedouin community. This is the story of how Yanabia (in Arabic, "springing forth from within") came to be.
Yanabia is a strategic infrastructure organization that springs from within the community, encouraging the Bedouins to take responsibility and resolve the core issues holding back their successful integration into Israeli society. Yanabia works hand-in-hand with local authorities, nonprofits, and the business sector to build a bridge of trust for a successful collaboration between the Israeli government and the Negev Bedouins. We understand that the Bedouin community must spearhead the process of closing the gaps and achieving prosperity by developing sustainable infrastructures and reinforcing existing ones.
Our vision is for the Bedouin community to forge its own future, bring its legacy and unique culture to the forefront of Israel, and thrive locally and regionally. We believe the high percentage of young people in Bedouin society will help achieve this.
Thus, a unified, strong civil society that demands trustworthy leaders will drive change and bring new hope to the Negev and all of Israel.
Here at Yanabia, we believe in the Bedouin community's ability and commitment to drive change from within. Our mission is to kickstart the processes that will generate the necessary pressures to make our vision a reality.
1. Map the main barriers to quality of life and their causes in each core area.(Mapping).
2. Build innovative models for overcoming the barriers by working with the top professionals (Building).
3. Pilot experimental proof-of-concept programs (Piloting).
4. Scale up the pilots and export them to the community (Scaling up).
The success of our programs will drive local demand and eventually improve the quality of life in the Bedouin community and wider Israeli society.
What We Do

Infant mortality in Bedouin towns and villages is over three times higher than in Jewish cities and towns.

Life expectancy in Bedouin towns and villages is 8 years less than in Jewish towns.

Only 4% of the population have an academic degree.
That's only one-sixth of the equivalent rate in Israel's general population.

Approx. 75% of the Negev Bedouins are concentrated in 19 recognized towns and villages. The rest live in unrecognized villages.

The Negev Bedouin population is approximately 270,000.