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More Info

"We are helping the Negev Bedouins integrate fully into Israeli society

Textbooks, pencils and bottles lying on a table
  • Can I volunteer at Yanabia ?
    Sure! Please visit our Careers page to learn about our volunteering needs.
  • How can I donate to you?
    You can transfer your donation directly to our bank account. The name of our nonprofit is Sunduk Al-Yanabia. Bank Leumi (10), branch 921 Account number 729900/32.
  • Are you currently hiring?
    Yes. We update our Careers page whenever we have new job opportunities or volunteer needs.
  • What is your vision, and how do you intend to realize it?"
    : Our vision is to transform the Negev Bedouin community from a burden into a growth engine to bring about its full integration into Israeli society. To learn more, please visit our Vision page.
  • What is the base assumption behind your mission ?
    We believe that sustainable change needs to come from within and be driven by successful role models.
  • Who are your partners ?
    To learn more about our partners, click, here.
  • How many employees work at Yanabia ?
    Yanabia's management team has 16 members. Additionally, Yanabia employs between 100 and 150 people (the vast majority of them women) in agriculture, manufacturing, and digital marketing.
  • Who founded Yanabia ?
    Dr. Muhammad Al-Nabari, who served as mayor of Hura for 14 years. To learn more about our co-founders and managing committee, clic here.
  • Do you have both Jewish and Bedouin team members ?
    Yes. We have 8 Jewish members and 8 Bedouin members in our management team. Our managing committee has 4 Bedouin members and 3 Jewish members, and it is led jointly by one Jewish member and one Bedouin member.
  • How do I get in touch with you ?
    There are several ways of getting in touch with us please visit our Contact page to learn more.
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