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More Info
"We are helping the Negev Bedouins integrate fully into Israeli society"

Can I volunteer at Yanabia ?Sure! Please visit our Careers page to learn about our volunteering needs.
How can I donate to you?You can transfer your donation directly to our bank account. The name of our nonprofit is Sunduk Al-Yanabia. Bank Leumi (10), branch 921 Account number 729900/32.
Are you currently hiring?Yes. We update our Careers page whenever we have new job opportunities or volunteer needs.
What is your vision, and how do you intend to realize it?": Our vision is to transform the Negev Bedouin community from a burden into a growth engine to bring about its full integration into Israeli society. To learn more, please visit our Vision page.
What is the base assumption behind your mission ?We believe that sustainable change needs to come from within and be driven by successful role models.
Who are your partners ?To learn more about our partners, click, here.
How many employees work at Yanabia ?Yanabia's management team has 16 members. Additionally, Yanabia employs between 100 and 150 people (the vast majority of them women) in agriculture, manufacturing, and digital marketing.
Who founded Yanabia ?Dr. Muhammad Al-Nabari, who served as mayor of Hura for 14 years. To learn more about our co-founders and managing committee, clic here.
Do you have both Jewish and Bedouin team members ?Yes. We have 8 Jewish members and 8 Bedouin members in our management team. Our managing committee has 4 Bedouin members and 3 Jewish members, and it is led jointly by one Jewish member and one Bedouin member.
How do I get in touch with you ?There are several ways of getting in touch with us please visit our Contact page to learn more.
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